Matthew Lam - Composer
花盛 (In Full Bloom) — 曲笛,二胡和中阮 for qudi, erhu and zhongruan (2020)
Duration: 5’
曲長: 5’
18 DEC 2021, With New Tunes We Connect Concert, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Recital Hall
By Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Program notes:
No matter how time changes, flowers always bloom in Spring. The sight of exuberant blossoms on the University campus in Spring inspired the composer to write this piece, in the hope that it will help invigorate the people of Hong Kong to tackle head-on all adversities they may meet in the current global pandemic, and emerge triumphant in the end, like the flowers. Musically, a four-bar melody runs through the entire score, with a lively dynamic 3-3-2 rhythm incorporated in the fast section to depict the vitality of flowers in full bloom. In addition, two distinct pentatonic scales are constantly interspersed to produce a soft yet strong harmony, to represent not only the flowers’ elegance but also portray their vigour.
不論時代如何更替,花朵總會在春天盛開,從不缺席。作曲家剛好於春天在大學看見花朵盛開,以此作為靈感,並希望在這被疫病所擾的世界中,用此曲勉勵香港人不論遭遇到甚麼困 難,最後都能迎難而上,如花一樣盛開。音樂方面,全曲僅以一條四小節長的旋律貫穿全曲,並在快的樂段中配以(3-3-2)此充滿躍動感的節奏,以描繪花朵燦爛盛開之生命力。此外,此曲不斷穿插在兩個不同的五聲音階之間,使其和聲剛柔並濟,既能描寫花的優雅,又能展現它的生命力。