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晨曦總會來臨 (Here Comes the Dawn) — 室樂中樂團 for chamber Chinese orchestra (2020)

Duration: 6

​曲長: 6  



18 DEC 2021, With New Tunes We Connect Concert, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Recital Hall

By Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra




Program notes:

Written during the novel coronavirus scourge, this piece aims to encourage the people of Hong Kong to emerge from the gloom and bounce back after the pandemic. Adopting the ABA mode, the introduction slowly emerges from the mistiness of strings and winds. Stacked in fourths and fifths, the unconventionalquartal and quintal harmony represents sustained obscurity.The middle section is slower and dominated by plucked strings, depicting the process of trudging out of the dark towards the dawn. In the final section, the opening melody is reprised, but with an abundance of major chords. This signifies the advent of daybreak, leaving darkness behind.


寫於疫病期間,此曲旨在勉勵香港人定必能於疫後重新振作,走出黑暗。音樂方面,樂曲採 用了ABA 的曲式。在起首,旋律於弦樂和管樂的迷霧下慢慢滲出,並使用了以四度或五度堆 砌的非傳統和音 (quartal and quintal harmony),代表仍然處於黑暗之中。中段則較慢,並由彈撥樂器作為主導,此段描繪了慢慢走出黑暗而步向晨曦的過程。在最後的樂段,樂曲重新 奏出樂首的旋律,並改以使用了大量的大和弦,代表晨曦終於來臨,並走出了黑暗。

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